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Review your goals and values

Take a look at the values and SMART goals you set for yourself. If you haven’t done these already, look at the goal-setting pages and any notes you have made. Remember why you started this journey; you may have an event, a new job, or a new partner. Feeling that you are in control and able to do this can be very empowering.

Are these goals still relevant and realistic? If yes, keep going!

If your goals feel too far out of reach, you can make some changes. For example, if you initially set out to give up certain foods, consider something a little easier, for example, reducing how often you may have this, the amount you have or replacing it with a healthier option.

Ask yourself what’s getting in the way

It’s normal to face bumps in the road when we’re changing our lifestyles. Try reflecting rather than giving up or being too hard on yourself.

If you use a food or activity diary for self-monitoring, you can identify what’s getting in your way. Below are suggestions that you might find helpful for common barriers when making lifestyle changes.

‘I struggle to stick to a routine’

Try making your physical activities fun, sociable and enjoyable! Arranging to go for walks with a friend or joining a team sport may help motivate you to make time for them and maintain social connections.

‘I comfort eat’

Try thinking ahead. Is there something you could do for your stress that does not involve food? Can you plan activities or hobbies you enjoy to keep you on track during tedious or stressful times?

‘I’m finding it hard to kick my habits’

Remind yourself of your goals and how they make you feel fitter and improve your mood. Keep them somewhere visible as a daily motivator and remember to celebrate your success (in a healthy way!). Try giving yourself some weekly challenges that you can tick off when completed or join a support group that can provide feedback to help keep you focused.

Be kind to yourself

It’s important to remember that the changes you’re making should stick with you for life, so they should be realistic and enjoyable for you to complete. That way, you are more likely to want to continue your healthy lifestyle choices even when life gets challenging.

Remember to aim for long-term change, so try not to be too hard on yourself when things don’t go to plan. Find ways to develop healthier habits and build them into your routine so you can still enjoy your life and have fun.

Continue your journey

Click on the next page Self-monitoring to continue your journey.


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