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Review your goals and values

Take a look at the values and SMART goals you set for yourself. If you haven’t done these already, look at the goal-setting pages and any notes you have made. Remember why you started this journey; you may have an event, a new job, or a new partner. Feeling that you are in control and able to do this can be very empowering.

Are these goals still relevant and realistic? If yes, keep going!

If your goals feel too far out of reach, you can make some changes. For example, if you initially set out to give up certain foods, consider something a little easier, for example, reducing how often you may have this, the amount you have or replacing it with a healthier option.

Ask yourself what’s getting in the way

It’s normal to face challenges when you are making healthy lifestyle changes. Try reflecting rather than giving up or being too hard on yourself.

If you use a food or activity diary for self-monitoring, you can use it to identify what’s getting in your way. Below are suggestions that you might find helpful for common barriers when making lifestyle changes.


‘Daily struggles and stress can make it hard to commit’

Daily challenges, for example, family problems, caring responsibilities, and health problems, can make it difficult to commit to lifestyle changes. Think back and remember why you started this journey. You want to improve your health and confidence and make your life easier in the long term.


'I'm scared of failing'

Change can feel intimidating, and this is a common feeling. Breaking things down into smaller changes that work with your day-to-day life is much more realistic. You might find that writing these mini goals down and ticking them off when completed might help you see your progress.

There may be times when you are not feeling motivated enough. Identifying and seeking support to help deal with broader issues you may be facing in your life may help you to feel more motivated. Often when you have lots going on, addressing significant issues can help other parts of your life and give you the confidence to make changes.

Be kind to yourself

It’s important to remember that the changes you are making should stick with you for life, so they should be realistic and enjoyable for you to complete.

Remember to aim for long-term change, so try not to be too hard on yourself when things don’t go to plan. Support is important to help you reach your goals, so click here to find out where you can get help.

Continue your journey

Click on the next page Self-monitoring to continue your journey.



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