Background to the website
The Healthy Weight Healthy You website is for adults in Wales. It provides self-directed support for achieving or maintaining a healthy weight.
Healthy Weight Healthy You is part of the NHS, providing free and tailored information and support.
The website is at level 1 of the All-Wales Weight Management Pathway.
Level 1 is a first-line universal intervention that focuses on self-management and professional brief advice (often termed early intervention).
It is part of Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales (2019), the Welsh Government Long Term Strategy to Reduce Obesity in Wales.
Do you support adults who are above a healthy weight?
We are developing Healthy Weight Healthy You resources to support you in signposting to the website.
We are developing e-learning resources to support brief advice conversations with people about their weight. This is part of the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) approach. Further information and practical resources about MECC can be found here.
Do you support parents, carers, and families?
Public Health Wales has developed the 10 Steps to a Healthy Weight. These are ten steps parents and carers can take to help their child reach a healthy weight by the time they start school. Further information can be found on the Every Child Wales website.
Whole Systems Approach to Health Weight
The Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales Whole Systems Approach programme is funded by Welsh Government to enable the delivery of a national programme for Healthy Weight System Based Approaches.
This includes:
- A national team within Public Health Wales to provide oversight, develop evidence-based approaches, and work with Local Health Boards.
- Systems Officers within Health Board Public Health Teams leading and implementing the whole systems approach in their area.
For further information about what is happening in your Health Board area, please get in touch with your Local Public Health Team.