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Welcome to the Cardiff and Vale Health Board Page

Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan information for Level 1 digital offer:

To find out more about what Cardiff and Vale and communities are doing to support people achieving a healthy weight please look at our Move More Eat Well website.

Nutrition Skills for Life website

A source of information, resources, get cooking videos and support to keep you well in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. To find out more visit the Nutrition Skills for life website or email:

Keeping Me Well website

A source of information, resources, get cooking videos and support to keep you well in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. To find out more visit the Keeping Me Well website

Foodwise for Life programme

An 8-week group programme supporting people to make healthy lifestyle change. Topics covered include food portion sizes, food labels, and making changes that stick. Available to anyone over 18 years old with a BMI over 25. Delivered locally as part of the Live Well Programme.

To find out more visit this page  or email:


Foodwise in Pregnancy

A six-week course for all women during pregnancy, offers information and tips on eating well, keeping active and achieving a healthy weight gain in pregnancy. To find out more visit this page.



   To book scan the QR code with your device or click here.

   or email:



HAPI (Happy, Aspiring, Prosperous and Inclusive) Cardiff and Vale Project

HAPI is a health and wellbeing project delivered by Newydd Housing Association. The project works with tenants and residents to improve their wellbeing by delivering free activities through a number of themes including food and nutrition and physical activity.

To find out more visit the HAPI website  or email:


Make Your Move

A website full of hints and tips on how to be active in your day-to-day life, be it dancing around your kitchen or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Search for activities near to you in Cardiff, and make your move today.

To find out more visit the Make Your Move website.


Vale Healthy Living Team

Visit the Vale Healthy Living Team website to find out what opportunities are available near you, from wellbeing walks to sports clubs. To find out more visit this page. 

Or email:

More information about family-based services running across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, can be found below:

NYLO (Nutrition for Your Little One)

A healthy lifestyle programme developed for families with children aged 5 and under.  Visit the NYLO website or email:


AFAL (Active Families Active Lives)

Group education and one to one support for children and their families where a child is above a healthy weight. To get in touch email:


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